„In einer Welt, die überflutet wird von belanglosen Informationen, ist Klarheit Macht.“ 

- Yuval Noah Harari

Goldfisch (Zitat)

"Lift your heads up and look around this locker room ... I want you to be grateful that you're going through this sad moment with all these other folks because I promise you, there is something worse out there than being sad. And that is being alone and being sad. Ain’t nobody in this room alone.

Ted: Sam, do you remember what animal has the shortest memory?

Sam: A goldfish.

Ted: That's right. It's a goldfish. Sam, what do you think we should all do once we are done being sad and or angry about this situation?

Sam: I think we should all be a goldfish.

Ted: I agree. Let's be sad now. Let's be sad together. And then we can learn how to be a goldfish."

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